#touchscreens Tag

Investing NOW in Digital Signage Makes Sense It has never been a better time to take advantage of the governments Instant Asset Write-off Scheme here in Australia. Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic has hit hard, there are some very attractive reasons to upgrade or replace your existing signage. Whether older technology digital signage to newer formats, or traditional static signage to digital, the...

If Our Future Is Digital, How Will It Change the World? Look at the images below. How do you relate? Is your world already becoming significantly digitised without you realising it? At the local supermarket, at your favourite sporting events, when you're choosing new clothes or accessories, when you're out and about being a tourist.  All these places are becoming digitised as...

Finding an Advantage in Tourism With Covid-19 hitting Australia's tourism market hard, the need to leverage every advantage possible has never been greater. Despite Government incentives to get Australians making the most of our fantastic local attractions, the need to encourage tourism once in situ is more important than ever. this is where digitalization comes to the fore.   Digitalization refers to...

WHAT'S IN AN AWARD? On behalf of ASGA and FESPA Australia, we're proud to have been advised of a winning entry in the 2020 Awards for Excellence. With the Covid pandemic doing its best to thwart the award ceremony, the event has now been postponed three times!  Nevertheless, we are delighted to be on the winner's podium for our creative digital signage....

It Begins with Touch! As we head for the new year our Perth shops are abuzz. What retail downturn I hear you ask? Certainly the retail discounting helps, and the every present need to fulfil the festive shopping list. All that aside, just how are 'bricks & mortar' retail coping and how is technology helping? Touchscreens are arguably one part of the answer. Certainly...

As with many things in life, the devil is definitely in the detail. It's an idiom we take very seriously when delivering our turnkey digital solutions. Our digital signage systems often look simple on the outside, but the detail required to ensure a fully functioning sign is very complex. The flowchart outlines the eight components required for digital signage - from...