Touch, Interact, Connect

Let’s Touch on some Basics

Touchscreen’s allow your customer to relate to your product in a way that outperforms conventional marketing techniques.


Forrester Research highlights that as much as 80% of retailers with both physical brick-and-mortar establishments and online stores, intend to install and make use of interactive touch screen kiosks at their locations.

Speak to me about Touchscreen Kiosks

Touchscreen kiosks come in many shapes and sizes.  Vertical kiosk styles or horizontal tables are increasingly popular. We know that your audience is unique, which is why the Yap!touch team offers multiple sized products and systems to create the best solution for you.

A stylised housing surrounds the interactive display screen which is sensitive to touch.  Beneath the housing a computer interface networks the device to a central hub – where content programming drives the targeted messaging.

Let’s Touch on some Touchscreen Benefits

  • They’re interactive – they take direction and give information to mutual benefit
  • They’re versatile – indoor and outdoor use, large and small screens, latest technology
  • They’re scalable – your message can be relayed on one or multiple touchscreens displays simultaneously
  • They give freedom –information and content can be changed as often as you like
  • They are engaging – designed to make the experience simple, fun and easy
  • They’re time savers – they work 24/7 even if you don’t, with pre-programmed screen displays, info, news, video and much more

Interactive transparent touchscreen display cabinets are idea in museums, corporate receptions, exhibition stands, hotel lobbies – read more about how digital signage can take you on a journey here.

Talk to us today about interactive digital signage… +61 8 9274 5151