If Our Future Is Digital, How Will It Change the World?

Look at the images below. How do you relate?

Is your world already becoming significantly digitised without you realising it? At the local supermarket, at your favourite sporting events, when you’re choosing new clothes or accessories, when you’re out and about being a tourist.  All these places are becoming digitised as the world modernises and realises the benefits of real-time messaging and vibrant, interactive communications.

  • At work – are your safety statistics displayed digitally?
  • At the safety meeting – how many incidents have there been?
  • At university – where is the next lecture?
  • At the concert – what is the fastest emergency exit route?

Going forward there is no doubt that our ‘next generations’ will seek digital solutions in the same what that they can’t spend more than half an hour without their smartphone by their side. Cruel yes – but true!

Digital Options for the Future
What is a Video Wall

A video wall is a wall mounted digital display setup that comprises of multiple screens or monitors tiled together to create one large screen. They are high impact and used to feature high quality imagery.  Usually the display technology is LED or LCD panels. The screens used are selected as they are designed to minimize the gap between active display areas. In this case, we used 9 LED screens formatted in a 3, 3, 3 pattern to build into a rectangular display above the Visitor Centre reception desk.

The technology and hardware used to support the visual imagery  combines the signals between all 9 screens so that power and other commands, such as brightness, sound, imagery, will be calibrated by a single touch control. The advantages of the video wall instead of a single large screen in this case includes:

  • increased customisation;
  • greater screen area per unit cost;
  • better pixel density per unit cost.

Video walls are great options for visitor centres, stadiums, hotels, venues and other large public spaces. Video walls can also benefit smaller venues when people may view the screens both up close and at a distance, respectively necessitating both high pixel density and large size.

Digital Content Design

Like the quote by Thomas Watson Jnr says, ‘Good design is good business’. There are too many stories of outstanding designs becoming expensive mistakes.
Our signage design team work in signage day and night. We know what works – and more importantly, what doesn’t!

Digital Display Signage For Buildings

Use of interactive digital signage is also great way to engage guests and other users of a hospitality venue – modern technology will let them find information through self-exploration on touchscreens, video walls, digital kiosks or digital wayfinding displays.

Our team of professionals are just a phone call away. For help or advice on any aspect of hospital signage call the office today on + 61 8 9274 5151 or email today.

We’re ready to start talking! Speak up now about your next project or idea.

T + 61 8 9274 5151

Signs & Lines/Yap!digital, 5 Meliador Way, Midvale, WA 6056




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