Safe Work Month – October

Safe Work Month is an Australian wide safety awareness initiative for the month of October.  Every year Yap!digital embraces this programme by running a number of safety focused activities. Our staff attend training offered as part of the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. Digital signage safety is an integral part of our professional service and our safety record attests this. Importantly, there is never room for complacency. For the 6th year running we will participate in October’s safe work month.

The theme of Western Australia’s 2020 Safe Work Month is:

 “Staying focused on workplace health and safety”.

Continual Improvement in the Safety Arena

As with many things in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our approach to health and safety significantly. And it is more important than ever to keep the focus on workplace health and safety – something reflected in our annual support of this initiative.

With many safety events on hold, the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety will keep businesses abreast of key safety topics. During Safe Work Month there is a planned series of virtual events during October.

This includes on-demand presentations by experts from DMIRS and live-stream question and answer sessions with industry experts.

Our Safety Reps and key staff will be selected to attend these talks.

Importantly, our Safety record continues to be excellent, however there is no room for complacency.

Toolbox meetings and pre-start talks are a key feature of the communication strategy we have on all things related to safety in the workplace and on site.

Signs & Lines Safety Month Focus

There will be a number of initiatives this month to focus everyone’s mind on the important of safety. The following are on the plan:-

  1. Firstly a safety focused morning tea/bacon butties (always good to feed the tribe!)
  2. Secondly a “Safety Quotes” competition – asking every staff member to come up with a safety quote that reflects what safety means to them. These will be published.
  3. Thirdly, remote attendance in safety training – if courses are relevant (to be announced soon)
  4. Safety Toolbox & Quiz
  5. Finally, the Safety Champion announcement. This will be dedicated to the person that has continually exhibited the highest regard and imputed the most to the safety of Signs & Lines over the previous 12 months.

In October we will be running a Safety Quotes competition to allow all our staff to input their voice on what safety means to them. Of course we’ll be sharing these contributions at the end of October.

For more about us and our products, visit our information pages here.

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