New! – Digital OOH Billboard in Perth’s Western Suburbs
A new 12.5metre wide digital OOH bridge sign at Langoulant Road in Perth’s western suburbs has gone live!!  Located on the busy West Coast Highway near Swanbourne, this new advertising asset was commissioned by JCDecaux and has been months in the making.
Uncanny that the image it’s currently displaying advertising content [see left] perfectly describes our ace project team … ‘Delivering Legendary Reliability’!
  • 💪Legendary – our project management team who delivered this bridge build through complex night works, road closures, inclement weather & tight deadlines…
  • 👍Reliability – another landmark project for JCDecaux here in the West, delivered by our Yapdigital and Signs & Lines team… on schedule and to spec.
Delivering Legendary Reliability – says it all!😁

Our OOH Digital Billboard Showcase

The team Yap!digital and Signs & Lines have just completed the latest bridge LED Screen installation for our valued client JCDecaux Australia. This is the fourth major OOH digital billboard that we have successfully completed for JCDecaux – with others strategically placed on the Graham Farmer Freeway, Mitchell Freeway near Greenwood Station and the Kwinana Freeway at South Street. Refer to the photos below for reference.

Planning & Logistics is Key

These are big jobs that have a lot of moving parts.  The logistics include:

➡ Overseeing construction
➡ Liaising with screen supplier
➡ 3d Scanning + Engineering
➡ Traffic Management
➡ Main Roads liaison
➡ On-site installation at night
➡ On-site welding at night
➡ Commission screen and see it go live!

Our Project Manager, Pankaj Sontakke did a fantastic job overseeing this project to ensure the installation over West Coat Highway was carried out safely and efficiently. Co-ordinating trades for on-site works is not an easy job and we’re grateful for all our suppliers.  In particular, to the team who installed and formatted all the digital tiles – shout out to: Bigscreen VR.

Efficiency is Key

As with all large OOH billboard digital projects, efficiency is key. Especially when it comes to site works.

West Coast Highway is a busy trunk road making the installation logistics challenging. Over a number of months the team worked hard to ensure that all elements were completed to tightly managed timelines. Main Roads road closures and traffic management has to be organised many weeks in advance.  Missing these key windows is not an option! The teams on site worked hard over a number of night road closures – and through some inclement winter weather – to hit the targets.

Some progress photos are shown below indicating the scale and complexity of the job as it moved through all stages of production.

Final Wrap

We think it looks FANTASTIC!! And adds to an impressive line-up of OOH billboards delivered by the Yap!digital team in Western Australia. Contact us for more information on how to take your signage from static to digital. Big or small, touchscreen or display, we’ve got it covered.

T: +61 8 9274 5151

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