
Entertain & Communicate – Scoreboards With Scale Scoreboards, videoboards, ribbon LED advertising and digital entertainment are the key to standout event digital signage. Following on from Yap!digital’s landmark project for HBF Park stadium, our latest work for VenuesWest involved a new digital scoreboard for the Football West pitch venue at the State Football Centre in Queens Park. Soccer at FootBall West Football West...

#Yapdigital and #Signsandlines have done it again! Another digital screen in the works, with the LED modules all fixed onto a 4-meter tall sub-structure in just one day. Commissioning is next, followed by installation later this week. It's been a busy start to the year for the team! Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting project. We are delivering a number of...

Testing, Testing - the Importance of QC Checks Testing, testing! Another successful run of a #Yapdigital screen in our workshop. We take Quality Control very seriously, especially when it comes to digital signage. Before we commission and install, we put our screens through rigorous testing to ensure that the picture and pixel quality are up to scratch. Check out our testing video...

Race Action - Melbourne Cup 2023 It's not all work and no play here at Yap!digital. There was plenty of race action on LED digital screen we had under development. This year we were lucky to watch the Melbourne Cup '23 on a large digital screen in our yard...

Signage Safety Matters - Activities Planned for October October is National Safe Work Month [NSWM]—a time to commit to building a safe & healthy workplace. Every year Yap!digital uses the month of October as a major focus on signage safety matters - with a number of initiatives designed to reinforce the importance of safety to all our team. The overarching theme for...

Digital Screen Replacement A recent replacement of two digital screens at Port Kennedy Central shopping centre showed how simple a screen upgrade can be. Technology is not infinite. As we know with our hand held devices, there comes a time when an upgrade is inevitable. This was the case for this 2 sided pylon digital screen replacement. The Yap!digital team approached this...

Yap!digital. What does it feel like to be 10?! Like most people that get to double-digits, there is a real sense and pride on reaching the milestone of 10. Likewise for Yap!digital. Yap!digital has evolved through the 'baby' stage, the terrible-two's and troublesome-three's - and has capitalised on a good grounding in the important things in life. Honesty. Respect. Integrity.  We haven't...

New! - Digital OOH Billboard in Perth's Western Suburbs |  *HOT OFF THE PRESS* | A new 12.5metre wide digital OOH bridge sign at Langoulant Road in Perth's western suburbs has gone live!!  Located on the busy West Coast Highway near Swanbourne, this new advertising asset was commissioned by JCDecaux and has been months in the making. Uncanny that the image it's currently...

Scoreboards, videoboards, ribbon LED advertising and digital entertainment are the key to standout stadium digital signage. Yap!digital’s landmark project for HBF Park stadium involved a significant digital signage upgrade in preparation for World Class Women’s Football Event scheduled to start this month. July is here - football/soccer fever has arrived! About HBF Park Stadium HBF Park is a state-of-the-art rectangular stadium providing...

The Agency Perth is home to over 1,200 real estate companies. And with the demand for real estate never higher, real estate companies are competing for aspiring homeowners’ attention. So how does a real estate company stand out amongst the rest? Perth based, ASX listed real estate company The Agency, has achieved this through their new digital Gallery. The titular...

Jumbotrons are Coming to Town! What is Jumbotron I hear you ask? Well, as the name suggests, this is a massive, oversize, elephantus-sized screen designed to fill a space in gargantuan proportions. Probably you are used to seeing them in stadiums or at the game - the Perth Wildcats basketball game for example. And although originally Jumbotrons were used solely to show...

Investing NOW in Digital Signage Makes Sense It has never been a better time to take advantage of the governments Instant Asset Write-off Scheme here in Australia. Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic has hit hard, there are some very attractive reasons to upgrade or replace your existing signage. Whether older technology digital signage to newer formats, or traditional static signage to digital, the...

If Our Future Is Digital, How Will It Change the World? Look at the images below. How do you relate? Is your world already becoming significantly digitised without you realising it? At the local supermarket, at your favourite sporting events, when you're choosing new clothes or accessories, when you're out and about being a tourist.  All these places are becoming digitised as...

Finding an Advantage in Tourism With Covid-19 hitting Australia's tourism market hard, the need to leverage every advantage possible has never been greater. Despite Government incentives to get Australians making the most of our fantastic local attractions, the need to encourage tourism once in situ is more important than ever. this is where digitalization comes to the fore.   Digitalization refers to...