On behalf of ASGA and FESPA Australia, we’re proud to have been advised of a winning entry in the 2020 Awards for Excellence.

With the Covid pandemic doing its best to thwart the award ceremony, the event has now been postponed three times!  Nevertheless, we are delighted to be on the winner’s podium for our creative digital signage. The rescheduled awards are due to be held in Sept 2021 so watch this space for more information on our winning entry or entries.

Yap!digital is the leading digital signage provider in Perth and WA. The breadth of our offering covers internal and external solutions – everything from map tables, to digital display suites, digital billboards, touchscreens and video walls.

Below are a selection of projects that we submitted for the ASGA/FESPA Awards:-


How to find out more

There’s no doubt that moving away from static signage opens up many new avenues for communication and return on investment.

Innovative digital signage can be leveraged to deliver 3 key benefits, summarised as:

  • enhanced wellbeing and safety;
  • improved productivity;
  • income generation.

The great news for customers is that the information displays are dynamic – offering ‘real time’ data. Contact us for pricing for digital signage kiosks and map tables that can be bought or are available for long-term hire.

The Yap!digital team are here to do the hard work. We will apply the thinking around your digital requirements and offer a one-stop, turnkey service. Our team can provide unbiased recommendations as we are not affiliated to any brands. The result – a solution designed around the best technology that fits your requirements the best.

We’re ready to start talking! Speak up now about your next project or idea.

T + 61 8 9274 5151

M 0407 775031

Signs & Lines/Yap!digital, 5 Meliador Way, Midvale, WA 6056

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