Christmas is the season of giving … and being warm-hearted … and being merry! Hot on its heel’s comes New Year – a time of planning, focus and goal setting. We thought we’d combine the two and run a little test this festive season to see if you are feeling like Scrooge or Santa when it comes to thinking about the future of digital signage for your business in 2018?

Very simple. For the following questions, answer the firs thought that comes into your head.

  • I think Digital signage is too expensive – Yes/ No
  • It’s too modern… Digital signage doesn’t look good –  Yes/ No
  • Money’s tight – Digital signs won’t make me money  – Yes/ No
  • Digital signage is on my 2018 plan –  Yes/ No
  • I need Digital signs to engage my customers next year – Yes/ No
  • Digital signage is going to modernise my brand – Yes/ No

So, looking at your answers above, are you leaning towards being a technophobe, with many initial objections to digital signs (it is ok to admit Scrooge tendencies!), or are you thinking with courage and bravery about a brand new vision for your signage future?

For all of you courageous folk then Yap!digital will gladly help you put your plans in place for an outstanding digital signage or interactive touchscreen project in 2018. For those nay-sayers (aka Scrooge or technophobe), our gift to you this Christmas is that there is overwhelming statistical evidence showing that the widespread, positive effects of digital signage. Let’s break down how we can help change your current mindset going forward.

Common Examples of Progress

Firstly, let’s consider how humans would be functioning in the 21st century without examples such as corded phones becoming mobile phones, or the transition from fax machine to email.

Technology is transforming. Think electric cars, smartphones and computers were all once the enemy, but even the most hardcore technophobe is probably using one or all of these technological advances to make their lives easier. Whilst you may be thinking scary and expensive, try to embrace the possibilities. Digital signage has been around for a while and is more prolific than many of us realize – airports, shopping centres, venues, hotels, fast food restaurants to name a few.

Digital signage systems – easy as 123!

Don’t focus on rumours around a digital sign being difficult to setup. Advancements in technology have made the installation much more straightforward. Gone are the days of having to summon an IT team to setup up the network. Let Yap!digital demo how to design and install a digital signage display at your premises and demo it in person.

The Final Wrap

If nothing else, let’s revisit the 6 questions and reconsider your answers. Here’s an idea how!

  • I think it is expensive but it’s worth it – YES!
  • It’s too modern… Digitial signage doesn’t look good but my customers love it – YES!
  • Money’s tight – Digital signage has the potential to make me money immediately – YES!
  • Digital signage is on my 2018 plan – I’m ready!  YES!
  • I need it to engage my customers next year – and drive sales – YES!
  • It is going to modernise my brand and will look great – YES!

Need more convincing? The team at Yap!digital can help you every step of the way. We’ll talk through your wish list and make sure we come up with a solution that will keep even Scrooge happy. We can provide every facet of the project from wo to go with our Yap!total solution, or even hire you a touchscreen kiosk to start with so you can get used to the idea.

As in all great partnerships, the key to success is understanding and great communication. Yap!digital are the experts — the best in the Perth digital signage touchscreen business — and we’ll help get you up and running to hit 2018 running.

Contact us today – Tim at +61 8 9274 5151 or email

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